“A major focus of my work is to investigate the possibilities for life on icy worlds in the outer solar system using data returned from space missions. In addition, I work on new types of instruments and robots to explore extreme environments on Earth, to prepare for future space missions. The Space Science and Robotics degree uniquely prepared me for this work, since I, unlike many people in my field, have a dual background in both engineering and science.”

Tom Nordheim

BSc Space Science and Robotics

Aberystwyth University, 2009

Now research scientist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

“The School of Sport, Health and Outdoor Education is a fantastic department with great lecturers and staff members. The course has given me a vast amount of experience in the sport and education field, and has started a journey towards my postgraduate studies. I am looking forward to making new experiences and seeing what the future holds while continuing my education in Wales.”

Shaun Liew

BA Sport and Health

University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2018

Now student on Masters course in Physical Education with Qualified Teacher Status, UWTSD

“During my final year at Cardiff Met, I decided to do an Enterprise Project. This opportunity allowed me to conduct market research into what a sport agent does, the size of the market, the pool of potential clients, and the estimated cashflow. This process added value to when it came to starting Archer Sports Management after graduation. Seizing this opportunity put me in the business frame of mind to pitch a real-life business venture to an examination board.”

Ben Hofmeister

 BSc Sport Management

Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2016

Now co-founder and managing director, Archer Sports Management

“My time at the University enabled me to create my dream job in a place I love. It’s great being able to continue to support the University and the local community through my work at the Anglesey Sea Zoo.”

Frankie Hobro

MSc Marine Environmental Protection

Bangor University, 2002

Now director and owner of Anglesey Sea Zoo

“Cardiff Met really did help to prepare me for the world of work. I was encouraged to seek a range of work experience opportunities, as this would better allow me to find a role that particularly interested me, and discover the career path I would like to pursue. One of the opportunities I took on was with Grapevine Event Management. Since graduating, I have become a full-time employee – and I’m grateful that my experiences while studying have led to a career I’m passionate about.”

Paige Cradduck

BA Events Management

Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2018

Now event assistant, Grapevine Event Management, Cardiff

“Some of my greatest memories come from my time at Bangor. If I had to pick one particular thing, it would be the friends and the faculty that I met there and helped support me. My time at Bangor was one of the most defining, pivotal moments of my life. I think that all of the values, the work ethic and a lot of my aspirations come from my time there.”

Jonathan Wright,

BA Sociology and Criminology

Bangor University, 1999

Global Managing Director at Dow Jones in Hong Kong

“My accommodation was right on the beach, and I walked there almost every day during my studies. Everything I needed was so close: groceries, banking, shopping and the city centre. The campus and city – and Rhossili Beach, in particular – are beautiful. There was lots of diversity on campus, including many international students. And job prospects were high.”

Bre-Anna King

MSc Research Methods in Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Swansea University, 2017

Now PhD student, McMaster University

“Before I took the decision to come back to university, it had been 15 years since I had been in work and I was apprehensive about starting. I feel that since being on the course, it is the first time I have ever used my brain fully. It has been enormously challenging, but I have learnt so much.”

Angela Mison

MSc Computer Forensics

University of South Wales, 2019

Retired computer scientist, now engaged in further research at the University

“It simply changed my life. It helped me establish a new career and enabled me to reconstruct my sense of self and self-worth when both had been damaged through a chance accident.”

Kate Bullen

BSc and PhD Psychology

Swansea University, 1993 and 2001

Now professor and head of School of Applied Social Science, Brighton University; President of British Psychological Society, 2018-19

“The course offered me a lot of challenges, as a student from Canada coming into a new country. It enabled me to break out of my shell and comfort zone, take risks, and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime. The cultural trips for international students were also a huge bonus. The experience opened my eyes and made me see that Wales is my second home.”

Kelsey Elizabeth Robertson

BA Acting

University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2018

Now working actor in Wales

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